You might have already heard about Chocolatey, a package manager similar to apt-get in linux systems. Here’s a short introduction from its creators:
If you’re wondering if a given application is already packaged for deployment via Chocholatey just check the Package list page here or just Google it like in this example , it should be listed at the top: “chocolatey powertoys”
So, what can you do with it? Here’s a quick summary using Microsoft’s new Powertoys package as an example (where applicable):
Installing a package:
choco install powertoys
Installing many packages at a time:
choco install powertoys adobereader microsoft-edge
Upgrading a package:
choco upgrade powertoys
Listing outdated packages:
choco outdated
Listing installed packages:
choco list -l
choco list -localonly
or even
clist -lo
Upgrading all installed packages:
choco upgrade all
Do you have any more quick tips for using Chocolatey? Leave them in the comments below!