Installing Symfony 3 on Synology has some tricky bits to make it run. This post essentially addresses the fatal errors when trying to write cache or logs, which is a common issue that has some documented solutions at Symfony’s site – and issue being that ACL permissions cannot be changed as those instructions suggest.
Synology’s DSM has a builtin tool for this: synoacltool (use synoacltool -h for help).
Terminal / SSH:
To make this run on your development server follow these steps for each affected directory (e.g. logs):
- Remove the directory:
sudo rm -r logs/
- Recreate it:
sudo mkdir logs
- Change owner to http:
sudo synoacltool -set-owner logs/ user http
- Enforce inheritance:
sudo synoacltool -enforce-inherit logs/
In my case I had to do this for the logs, cache and sessions folders on my app’s folders.
GUI (should work):
- Using DSM’s File Manager to assign the user http to these files!
This should do it!