Mac OSX [Lion 10.7.3.] isn’t very straightforward when it comes to customization, at least for a newcomer like me. The interface is neat and polished, but sometimes that’s just not enough.
I have several network file shares mounted (Qnap server) on my MacBook Air and was looking to change the default AFP icons Mac OSX was presenting. This is what I ended up with:
The icons I’m using are from the Aquablend package created by Laurent Baumann and are pretty neat. Download the icon package of your choice to your computer:
Select a mount folder (not directly from the server, but the mounted drive on your desktop), right click it and select “Get Info”:
You’ll get the info window on this folder:
After this, click on the small icon on the top left of the Info window.
Now you need to get your new icon to the Clipboard. If you’re using the Aquablend example, the icons are already in folders, so you’ll open the Info window for that folder:
Select the small icon on the top left corner and press Command+C. After that select the network mount Info window, make sure the small icon is selected as below, and press Command+V.
Voilá! Yous should now have a new icon on the folder! 😉